During the initial consultation a full health history will be taken. Questions will be asked regarding symptoms, health and lifestyle. Your acupuncturist will also check your tongue and pulses and may conduct a physical exam. This information is then used to create a complete, accurate and comprehensive diagnosis of where Qi has become blocked or imbalanced. After the consultation process, you will receive an acupuncture treatment.
- Innate Vitality68B Staines Road
Staines upon Thames
TW19 5BS07725 476499 Clinic Hours
Mon10:00AM to 7:00PMThu10:00AM to 7:00PM
- Elphick Clinic47C Crown Road
St Margaret’s
TW1 3EJ07725 476499 - Wed10:00AM to 8:00PMSun11:00AM to 5:00PM
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